jueves, 30 de junio de 2011

Day 28. Where´s the essence?

(A review of a text from David Shrigley)

0. Not in team work, is on the problems of teamwork.
1. Not in the preparation of a project, is in the preparation of a project preparation.
2. Not in an amusement park, is on what can not be done in an amusement park.
3. Not in kitsch, is in the self-assertion in kitsch.
4. Not in the U.S. flag, is in the sketchbook who designed the flag of the U.S.
5. Not in cars, is in the tire marks left on the highway when you stop..
6. Not in russian fruits, is in japanese ramen .
7. It is not in trouble, is in the band called trouble.
8. Not in the border, is in the thickness of the border ´s line.
9. Not in the pile of bricks, is in how the bricks are stacked.
10. Not in the surface, is in the number of possible paths to the surface.
11. Not in suicides, is in car accidents.
12. Not in nuclear testing, is in rodeo tests.
13. Not in bad alcohol, is in the hangover caused by evil spirits.
14. Not in the photography, is in a self-defense spray against a photographer.
15. Not in an abandoned house, is in what still works in an abandoned house.
16. Not on the Internet, is the hard drive of someone who has internet.
17. Not in indoor plants, is in tropical indoor plants.

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